West Bengal Societies Registration Act Memorandum of Association
1. Name of the society shall be: Smt. Meera Foundation for Inclusion, Empowerment& Welfare
2. (a) Registered Office situated at: Vill- Beraberia, PO- Bagnan, Dist.- Howrah 711303
:Interested to work at National Level
(b) Head Office situated at: 237 S.P Sector 52 Indira Colony, Gurgaon, Haryana.
3. The objects for which the society established are:
- To address the needs of the children with and without disabilitywith the component of early detection, care, ensure their rights and community based rehabilitation.
- To establish such an infrastructure integrated with therapy, aids & appliances, education, and training for those people with and without disabilities.
- To establish such an infrastructure integrated with therapy, aids & appliances, education, and training for those people with and without disabilities.
- To open orphanage care centre equipped with basic education, entertainment and skill promotions to settle them self-supportably in mainstream of our society.
- To undertake necessary cares for adolescent youth both boys and girls, life skill educate them on the theme “Young People’s Reproductive and Sexual Health Care” build such a peer group to promote the same in our society and protect such age groups for evil consequences.
- To undertake Reproductive Child Health Care, Nutrition Care to combat malnourishment, for the Promotion of Safe Motherhoods as well as provide nutrition/food and care to prevent maternal/child mortality.
- To undertake programmes to serve communicable and non-communicable diseases (blood, gene based) make educated about the same to the ailing community through education/awareness and services.
- To run centers for the children who needs special cares. (e.g. mentally retired or with other disabilities) to lead normal life on our society in the banner “SOCH” (Shreya-Onus for child Health) under the proposed foundation in a non-profit manner, only to render service by a group of experthealthcare and rehabilitation professionals.
- To undertake programmes and render necessary services to ensure food security through supply of foods and essential commodities to those under-privileged and protect them from hunger, malnutrition and famine.
- To combat health hazards by awareness, promotion & development of Indian system of Medicines through Ayurveda, Unani and Jari-buti-Culture, Yoga, Homeopathy & combat growing health hazards for those who can’t afford medical services in remote rural areas.
- To encourage children & youth in Games & Sports gymnasium, Yoga Naturopathy, Organization of excursion, Nature study, etc, for betterment of their mental & Physical health.
- To encourage children & youth in Games & Sports gymnasium, Yoga Naturopathy, Organization of excursion, Nature study, etc, for betterment of their mental & Physical health.
- To promote & development of songs, drama, folk culture etc., among the rural and urban children and youth for their updation about our National Cultural heritage especially of the younger generation and up-held National respect.
- To upheld the Voluntary Social Actions by Grass Root Level Rural & Urban Development Organizations.
- To strengthen these movements through close communications, capacity building, making research and documents.
- To make conduct study survey, research, & undertake programs on the socio-economic development, Rural & Urban development to integrate among the different communities & castes along with the effective implementation of development programmes as well as integrate all the stakeholders for better result of initiatives thus undertaken.
- To make conduct study survey, research, & undertake programs on the socio-economic development, Rural & Urban development to integrate among the different communities & castes along with the effective implementation of development programmes as well as integrate all the stakeholders for better result of initiatives thus undertaken.
- To promote & encourage advancement of literacy, culture, political and religious tolerance, and build helpful, brilliant, efficient citizen of our Indian National.
- To undertake scientific and technical education for promotion of self-employment of men and women and boys and girls to eliminate all sorts of injustices and in all forms of forms of discrimination, combat social injustices, superstitions, and ensure socio-economic upliftment and establish gender equity etc.
- To promote sympathy, fellow feelings, and unity for the sake of Integration and peace of the Society as a whole.
- To help/assist poor by capacity / skill development for their development socially as well as economically, to promote self-employment/cottage, Artisanal and home based industries (Handicrafts), Vocational Skills, etc., for un-employed youth (Youth Welfare) along with the people with disabilities.
- To adopt new agricultural technologies for the development of sustainable agriculture, etc. in rural areas.
- To achieve quality of life which will promote genuine sense of integrity (National as well as global) for the discrimination (by gender/ by caste or by any means) free society with equity peace and integrity.
- To render relief to the sufferer in time of famine, flood, drought & other natural calamity, or epidemic.
- To raise awareness on environment, educate mass & research specially undertaking action programmes involving students and raise environment friendly technology for the development of the society.
- To raise awareness of consumers and ensure their protection and necessary services to safeguard and make more conscious to safeguard their rights.
- To take programmes for the care of all natural creatures, animals birds, domestic and non-domestic pets and undertake programmes for their safe rehabilitations.
- To create scope for rural and interior young peoples of rural areas for Self- Employment skill, Vocational Skills, distant educations, condensed educations, etc. through information dissemination and services.
- To educate the masses about their rights to get information (under RTI acts) and get benefit from the same to be establish them socially and economically.
- To provide legal aids and literacy to ensure social security, peace and integrity of the disadvantaged populations specially distressed women and adolescents youth to prevent domestic violence, violence at work/public places.
- To take-up the issues of women and children so that they can be enable to take up their own initiatives for their self-reliance and empowerment with necessary health cares, elementary education and establish a Library to build an educated well knowledged and tolerant and tolerant citizen of our Indian National.
- To create avenues for the helpless aged populations so that they can be given necessary shelters with cares till their expectations.
- To publish or promote the publishing of journals, books, magazines, paper etc with the sole purpose of promotion of literature, arts, science or religion with any intention of making profit.
- To promote demonstrate, develop music, dance scientific experiments or arrange religions discourses beneficial or meant for the public at large.
- To encourage target audiences through seminars, symposium, workshops, panel discussions, lectures, debates etc on casual or regular basis the promotion of literature, arts science or technology without the motive of making profit.
- To prepare different communication materials and documentary for educating people and promotion of services.
- To conduct and develop research activities with publication.
- To organize camps to identify the needy population for services and care.
- To involve in all necessary social rehabilitation and assistance programs which are a must for the welfare of the mankind.
- To promote inclusion and diversity within the society by creating opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to interact with other non-disabled and fully participate in society.
- To sensitize the society about the disability and make them become sensitive to the needs of children and adults with disabilities.
- To promote the human rights of children and adults with disabilities in all spheres of their life.
The income and properties of the society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the society and no portion therefore shall be paid to or divided amongst any of its members by way of profits.