What is Ayres Sensory Integration?

Ayres Sensory integration is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. A. Jean Ayres, an occupational therapist and neuroscientist. It focuses on the integration of sensory information within the brain to enhance an individual’s ability to participate actively in daily life activities. ASI is widely recognized as an evidence-based practice and is utilized in various settings, including schools, clinics, and hospitals.

Why Pursue Certification in Ayres Sensory Integration?

Obtaining certification in Ayres Sensory Integration not only deepens your understanding of sensory processing but also equips you with the skills to address the unique needs of individuals with sensory integration challenges. Whether you work with children with autism spectrum disorders, individuals with developmental delays, or adolescents with sensory processing difficulties, this certification can significantly enhance your professional practice.

What Does the CASI Program Offer?

The Certification in Ayres Sensory Integration (CASI) program provides a comprehensive curriculum designed to develop your knowledge and practical skills in sensory integration theory and practice. The program includes a combination of didactic coursework, hands- on training in assessments & treatment, and supervised cases. You will learn about sensory systems, sensory integration assessment, treatment planning, and intervention. strategies. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to observe and learn from experienced practitioners, honing your skills under their guidance.

The Benefits of Certification:

Gain a certificate that’s accredited by 30 countries & the International Council for Education in Ayres Sensory Integration

Gain 180 CEUs by the American Occupational Therapy Association

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Ayres Sensory Integration theory, research and practice.

Enhance your clinical reasoning skills in assessing and treating individuals with sensory integration challenges.

Expand your professional network by connecting with experts and fellow practitioners in the field.

Increase your income, marketability and career opportunities.

Make a profound impact on the lives of individuals with sensory processing difficulties.

How to Register:

Welcome to our course registration page! We’re thrilled that you’re interested in advancing your skills and knowledge with us. Registering for our courses is a simple and straightforward process designed to get you started on your learning journey quickly.

We offer a separate registration process for your convenience. Please note that you can register for modules individually by contacting us directly via WhatsApp or call on +91 9599274274. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any inquiries you may have and to guide you through the registration process for each module.

For information on the mode of delivery for each individual module, please refer to the details provided below:

Module 1 (Online/Offline): AYRES Sensory Integration theory 

Module 2 (Online): Comprehensive Assessments on AYRES Sensory Integration 

Module 3 (Offline): Comprehensive Assessments on AYRES Sensory Integration Hand-on Practice 

Module 4 (online): Clinical Reasoning Using AYRES Sensory Integration

Module 5 (Online): Evidence-based ASI Intervention Including Fidelity 

Module 6 (Offline): Evidence-based ASI Intervention Including Fidelity Hand-on Practice 

Once you’ve completed the registration process, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the necessary details regarding your course enrollment. Additionally, our support team will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have throughout your learning experience.

Thank you for choosing to learn with us! We’re excited to support you on your educational journey and help you achieve your goals. If you have any further questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.